Name: Sabrina
Age: 36
Status: single and I likes to mingle
Twitter: @PurpleBrina17
Do you blog?
What other social media sites do you use? Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Pintrest, Instagram, GetGlue, GroupMe….I think that is enough
5 little-known facts about you:
1. I had plastic surgery when I was 6
2. Tried out for American Idol
3. I hate my job
4. I have ALWAYS wanted to be a singer
5. Have to make my bed before I go to sleep every night (OCD much lol)
Questions stolen from Twi-Between:
When/how did your Twilight obsession begin? I went to see Dark Knight and I saw a movie poster that just said “Twilight” I went home and looked it up and I thought this could be interesting. I was going through a tuff break up and it was the dead of winter in CT. I needed something to read. I was hooked from the 1st book.
What is your favorite Twilight Quote? “Death is peaceful, easy. Life is harder” and “Don’t be self-conscious, if I could dream at all, it would be about you. And I’m not ashamed of it”
Who is your favorite non-holy twinity (minor) character? Emmett, Charlie and Angela
Which is your favorite Twilight movie? Eclipse and BD2
What is your favorite song from any of the Twilight soundtracks? “Decode” by Paramore and “Possibility” by Lykke Li
Ideal vacay? Forks, set stalking, Brit Pack concert, or a non-Twi premiere? I guess it would be a non- twi premiere since I have done all the others. But I would hang with the Brit Pack (dumb name btw) everyday if I could
What is your favorite Non-Twilight film of a Twilight star? Pitch Perfect (karen's note: ahhh, totally forgot anna kendrick for my list of favourite twilight actors too! dammit. she's the best.)
What is your favorite Twilight memory? FanCamp and BD2 Black Carpet that whole weekend was just epic. And Now Forks. Forks 2013 rocked my world!!
new questions:
Who is your favorite Twilight actor? I like them all for different reasons.
What has being a fan of Twilight opened up for you? I read more books and fanfic. It taught me the kindness of strangers still happens. It opened my eyes to new music. And it also lead me to my meeting some of the most amazing people who now I could NEVER live without.
What is your craziest fangirl moment? Getting kissed by PFach at the FanCamp
Who is your favorite NON-Twilight vampire? The Lost Boys, Angel (Buffy), Pam (trueblood) and Stefan (TVD)
Fanfiction questions:
What are you reading right now? Just finished CaraNo’s one shot
I know it's almost impossible, but ~ what are your top 5 favorite fics? I can’t pick, too many to name
Who is your favorite incarnation of Edward (specifically, from which story)? I can’t pick too many to name
What are your fanfic hard limits? Smutty fics by teenagers is a NO NO
Not into Slash fics but bi or group is ok LOL (odd I know, don’t ask)
What is your biggest ficpeeve? When writers put “Real” people in their fics like if I read another fic with Dr. Facinelli, I might scream lol
And book and movie quotes
Who are your favorite authors? Too many to name
Why do you read fanfiction? I could tell you it’s for the stories or tell you is so Twilight is still living on in these stories but let’s face it, that would be mostly a lie. I read for the SMUT. Just like EVERYONE else. hahaha
What other fandoms do you count yourself a member of? Hmmmm TVD, Marvel, Disney, Superman, and a sorta StarWars. I like a lot of different stuff. But no fandom has affected my life like Twi
how brina and i met: while our group was heading to line up to get our camping spaces in LA fan camp, we past 2 girls struggling with their gear and a huge-ass cooler (which we later discovered was filled with alcohol). they ended up in line behind with us as we waited (SO much waiting!)... in the rain... and then when we finally got our (one night) spots, their tent was right in front of mine. (we ended up having to move the next day, but were only a tent away then.) so, one of those girls was brina (obviously). one night, brina and michelle were up talking and drinking in their tent, while i was pretending to sleep in mine. i crawled out and sat on the cold pavement talking to brina (michelle passed out i think. lol.) for hours. we laughed, we cried, we totally bonded. we've been joined at the hip ever since.
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me and brina at a bobby long concert in LA when i went to visit her in august |
we are totally joined at the hip. :-) love you.