Name: Jenn
Age: 38
Status: married
Twitter: @JR_Durham
Do you blog? nope
What other social media sites do you use? Facebook, LinkedIn, Goodreads, Twitter, Groupme, Instagram
5 little-known facts about you:
Learned to crawl with casts on both legs.
Wrote the Easter play my grade school performed when I was in 6th grade and for 5 years after I left.
Had opportunity to move to Germany when I was in 7th grade
Wanted to be a geneticist when I was in high school
Had my motorcycle license, going to take safety class and test again
Questions stolen from Twi-Between:
When/how did your Twilight obsession begin? A blog I follow started having a bunch of posts around the time casting for the 1st movie started. I was intrigued, went out and bought all 3 books and blew threw them.
What is your favorite Twilight quote? "One of the best things about Charlie is he doesn't hover."
Who is your favorite non-holy twinity (minor) character? Charlie, hands down
Which is your favorite Twilight movie? New Moon
What is your favorite song from a Twilight soundtrack? Spotlight - Mute Math
Ideal vacay? Forks, set stalking, Brit Pack concert, or a non-Twi premiere? Forks!
What is your favorite non-Twilight film of a Twilight star? Adventureland (believe it or not)
What is your favorite Twilight memory? Any time I've met up with someone I deepened a friendship with or met because of Twilight.
new questions:
Who is your favorite Twilight actor? Rachelle Lafevre
What has being a fan of Twilight opened up for you? Friendships and helped me break through writers/creative block
What is your craziest fangirl moment? walking up and talking to Stephenie Meyer
Who is your favorite NON-Twilight vampire? Klaus
Fanfiction questions:
What are you reading right now? Summer of Salt by Lola-pops
I know it's almost impossible, but ~ what are your top 5 favorite fics?
Sins of my Past - content1
The Golden Giants Tour - walkingwithgiants
Expectations and Other Moving Pieces - chrometurtle
Hallett Hall - jaxington
Words with Friends - nolebucgrl
Who is your favorite incarnation of Edward (specifically, from which story)? Edward in Clipped Wings and Inked Armor (karen's note: swoon!)
What are your fanfic hard limits? no incest, huge age gaps or when it’s a “daddyward” fic and Bella is his daughter’s friend.
What is your biggest ficpeeve? super uber whiny bellas
Who are your favorite authors? content1, soapymayhem, mizzdee, littlehummingbird, nolebucgrl, jaxington, boydblog, many!
Why do you read fanfiction? i read fanfic because i love the characters am not ready to say goodbye. fanfic keeps them alive and in a realm of endless possibilities.
What other fandoms do you count yourself a member of? Harry Potter and Star Wars (a little and nothing to the extent of twilight)
how jenn and i met: one half of the wonder twins (the other being tami) ~ she was one of "the fic girls" we met in forks and instantaneously adored. since we didn't get to spend enough time hanging out in forks, we are down to fix that in phoenix in june and heading to forks AGAIN next september.
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jenn and i just before we parted ways with each other and forks |
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