i was going through some stuff online and realized i never posted this one ~ a later addition to our group.
Name: Mandy
Name: Mandy
Age: 29
Status: Single and CMMC (currently missing my cat - he is at
home until I find an apartment and my mom can fly out with him.)
Twitter: @agoodwitchff
Do you blog? Yes, I used to do the fic recs at
www.twibetween.com but it has been a little while since I, or anyone else has
posted to that blog, its been tough with the move. I also had a blog for my
writing that like 8 people followed so I eventually closed that down.
What other social media sites do you use? Twitter and
groupme. FB and I broke up years ago and tumblr was something I only did
temporarily. It's easier to focus on my
writing when I'm not on a ton of other sites.
5 little-known facts about you:
1. I remember just enough
American Sign Language to make a deaf person think we can talk, and then I'm
lost two seconds in.
2. I make lists for everything (see Karen, not the only one),
3. I'm a published poet,
4. I went to college with Jason Zimbler (Ferguson from Clarissa Explains it All)
5. When I say I'm reading "Gone with the Wind" on my kindle, that's code for twific...I have read that book, but no one asks follow ups so its the quickest way to deflect from the smut on the screen.
2. I make lists for everything (see Karen, not the only one),
3. I'm a published poet,
4. I went to college with Jason Zimbler (Ferguson from Clarissa Explains it All)
5. When I say I'm reading "Gone with the Wind" on my kindle, that's code for twific...I have read that book, but no one asks follow ups so its the quickest way to deflect from the smut on the screen.
Questions stolen from Twi-Between:
When/how did your Twilight obsession begin? The October
before the first movie came out, 3 people came up to me, my sister included
(who rarely reads books all the way through) so my mom got me the series for
Christmas. Then I saw the movie and thought it was okay. (I know that's
blasphemy, but the first movie is my least favorite of the series, they
definitely improved as they went on.) Then my sister got pregnant and stumbled
upon fanfiction, so she badgered me until I read it too. A week later I was posting my first chapter,
4 1/2 years later I have 45 stories posted and a couple more in the works.
What is your favorite Twilight quote? "Why am I covered
in feathers?"
Who is your favorite non-holy twinity (minor) character?
Which is your favorite Twilight movie? tie between Eclipse
and Breaking Dawn Part 1
What is your favorite song from any of the Twilight
soundtracks? Oh man...either "A Thousand Years" or "Turning
Ideal vacay? Forks, set stalking, Brit Pack concert, or a
non-Twi premiere? Forks has always been a dream, so I'm excited for that this
year, and going to a movie premiere would be awesome, though I dream of a day
when I would be on the other side of the barricade as the screenwriter of the
movie being premiered.
What is your favorite Non-Twilight film of a Twilight star?
"Remember Me" - I love a lot of them, but that movie still makes me
What is your favorite Twilight memory? It would have to be
when I started talking to A Cullen Wannabe, because she was seed that started
the mighty oak. It was when FDKK was still posting, before the prologue event
had even happened, and her beta had gotten pregnant and wasn't able to do it
too often. I sent her a PM saying I
would help out if she needed it and she took me up on it. I did the chapters her old beta couldn't and
before the end I was her set to help her on other stuff if her beta couldn't. Somewhere
in there she had taken over Behind the Images, and was having problems with the
NYC stuff, so I offered to help her with that, then she made me the beta for
that fic. Then I became her only beta.
Writing with her came after that which was how I got on skype, which then led
to WC's. Posting a WC announcement on
twitter was how Dee contacted to ask if she could join and I pulled her
in. Now, I'm sitting on a futon in her
living room. Meeting Dee would have
never happened if I hadn't written that PM to ACW, and my life would definitely
suck without her.
new questions:
Who is your favorite Twilight actor? Rob, Jackson (he is the
person I would want to hang out with the most), Michael Sheen, PFach, Taylor,
and Anna Kendrick.
What has being a fan of Twilight opened up for you? It made
me a more confident author, it gave me a huge group of online friends, and a
few that I've met in person, including Dee.
She's the first person I contact with almost any news, and we have spent
over three years writing online almost every night.
What is your craziest fangirl moment? I've never been a hand
trembling in front of my mouth, tears streaming down my face, kind of girl, but
the first celebrity I met was John Stamos when I was like 11. He was in "How to Succeed in Business
Without Really Trying" and my sister had brought me to see
"Cats" for my birthday and then walked me down the street to his
stage door. I looked up when he walked
out, not knowing why we were there until that moment, and said, "It's Uncle
Jessie," in a hushed voice. He was
so sweet, and five months later my sister brought me to see the show and we met
him again to get my photo with him autographed.
The middle-aged women in the crowd parted like the Red Sea so that I
could get to "Johnny" and once again he was so sweet. Six years later, I had just graduated from
high school and was going to school for musical theater, and I went to see him
in "Cabaret" once again with that picture in hand, because I wanted a
smaller one in my dorm room than the 8x10 I had gotten all those years ago.
When I handed him the pic, he did a double take, and then I told him that when
I met him back then, he taught me the kind of person I would want to be if I
ever became famous, and he inspired my love in acting and singing to grow, and
now I was headed off to college for it.
I made him cry a little and he gave me the biggest hug. It was just such
a great moment.
Who is your favorite NON-Twilight vampire? JRM from the TV
show Dracula. It's goofy as hell, but I love that man!
Fanfiction questions:
What are you reading right now? I'm playing catch up on fics
I've put off for a while, but at the moment, the only current fic I'm reading
is The Fox by capricapra.
I know it's almost impossible, but ~ what are your top 5
favorite fics? Never Sleep in a Strange Man's Bed, The Mail Order Bride Series,
FDKK, Emancipation Proclamation, and Eight Days a Week.
Who is your favorite incarnation of Edward (specifically, from which story)? THAT is the impossible question, but I would have to say any of the Edward's from my top 5, or Edroar from Edroar, the Angry Lion, or Olderwards, it doesn't matter if its a few years or much older, I like Edward's that want to take care of their Bella's.
What are your fanfic hard limits? Violence just for the sake
of it, rape as titulation, and things along those lines. I'm not someone to set a lot of hard limits
because if it's well written, it could open my mind to something new.
What is your biggest ficpeeve? Poorly thought out plots,
poorly written stories, horrible grammar, or weirdly formatted stories. And as an author, guest reviews that flame -
put a name to your hatred so I know the troll I'm dealing with.
Who are your favorite authors? A Cullen Wannabe, Mizzdee, 107yearoldvirgin,
Lady Gwenydd (Mrs Brownloe), Carano, pattyrose, there are others but those are
the biggies!
Why do you read fanfiction? For the same reason I write it. I
love the characters, and I love the creativity that is in this fandom. There are so many stories out there and each
one has its own spin on the original.
What other fandoms do you count yourself a member of? Lord of the Rings.
how mandy and i met: dee would always tell us about her bff, mandy. when she moved from new york to live in colorado (taking up residence on dee's couch for awhile), she added her to our group. we didn't get to meet in person until our trip to phoenix this past june.
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at the forever party in phoenix uhh... alcohol was involved. that's my excuse. lol. |
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