Saturday, November 30, 2013

Adventures in Beta-ing

In a previous post, I very briefly wrote about the job of a beta. Essentially, this is the writer’s “second” – as in the second pair of eyes to look over the chapter before it’s posted for grammatical errors, continuity issues, and to ensure the story maintains its flow.

Since I am not so great with the actual fanfic writing myself but really enjoy the creative process of being involved in the whole Twi-fic world, I recently started beta-ing. Just a few chapters here and there and some stuff that hasn’t been posted yet. I love it! It’s really fun for me – like a complex math puzzle, but without the numbers so that it actually makes sense to me. The process fascinates me and I want to get further into it and gain more experience and understanding.

I personally think all authors could benefit from having such a person around to enhance their stories. Although I know nothing of the publishing world, I assume a beta is like the equivalent of a book editor but for the “amateur” level of fanfiction writing (which we all know crosses over more and more often now). Betas are available – why not use them? I’ve read a lot of stories where easily-fixed mistakes make me cringe. If plot, characterization, etc. are your strong points and you are maybe not as strong in the technicalities of writing, why not have another person help you out? Even if you are a “grammar nazi”, we all make mistakes from time to time and sometimes it takes another person to catch them.

The relationship between author and beta needs to be clearly defined. Different authors may want different things so the role of the beta is not always the same. In general, a beta finds and points out errors for the author to fix during rewrites. But a beta can be much more than that. Some authors have a beta and a pre-reader (or several of each). At first I didn’t understand this distinction and had to ask on twitter what the difference was. (Usually, at the top of a chapter, the author gives the prerequisite disclaimer of “no copyright infringement intended” and thanks their betas and pre-readers. I kept seeing that over and over and was confused.) It was explained to me that a beta handles the technical aspects whereas the pre-reader is there to help with continuity, plot ideas, and characterization. In some cases, a beta does both.

I asked friends of mine, Brina, a pre-reader, and Deena, an author, what they thought about the writer-beta relationship. They both agreed that the expectations need to be established in the beginning - what the author is looking for and what the beta is able to do.

Brina said, “When picking a beta you have to decide, do you want someone to fix grammar and typos or do you want someone who will do that plus make your story better, to give you ideas, to inspire to make you a better writer. They are there to catch the stuff you can’t and sometimes they are there to stop you from losing your way.”

At this point, I am not confident enough in my own abilities and lack the experience to be able to give criticism on story development. I made sure that they authors I read for knew this. I am going in with the intention of fixing punctuation, typos, and basic grammar rules alone. If something does occur to me, such as an error in continuity, I will point it out but I don’t specifically look for them.

It was agreed that honestly is the most important factor in the author-beta relationship. Deena said, “[You don’t want] someone who praises everything you do without giving any kind of feedback at all. You need the truth, not someone who says everything is great because they think that's what you want to hear.”

Another point my friends made was trust. The author needs to be able to trust her beta. Not only that she will be honest but that she will maintain confidentiality. As a beta, you are reading sometimes highly sought after stories before anyone else gets a chance to. Many times, they are submissions for contest for which you must be a vault and not even let anyone else know you are involved. Another aspect to that confidentiality is not bashing your author. It seems like common sense, but I have heard of this happening. A while back things were said on twitter by someone who was acting as the beta for a fairly popular story and she claimed the author would be nothing without her and took credit for the story’s brilliance. Boo to her! She sucks. (And is no longer attached to that story.)

I also think a beta needs to be aware of the difference between when something isn’t working and when something is simply a stylistic choice you may not agree with. It’s the author’s creative endeavour, not yours. You aren’t there to have the story written the way you would write it. You are there to help the author write the best story she can write. There’s no harm in making your opinions known and offering suggestions, just like anyone else who will be reading the story will inevitably do in reviews anyway, but it’s the author’s story and her choice to do what she wants with it. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Haters Gon’ Hate

I mentioned last time that there is a lot of hate directed towards fanfic and the authors who write it. As with anything posted online, it seems to bring the dregs of society out in full-force. Hiding behind the anonymity that the internet provides is a shameful way to behave. There is an enormous difference between constructive criticism and just being nasty for its own sake.

It’s perfectly acceptable to leave an author a review of their story or even tweet them with comments disagreeing with their views or the direction they have taken. It’s even fine to say you just don’t like what they’ve written (although leaving it at just that is not helpful). As we’ve established, everyone likes different things in fanfic. It’s impossible to please everyone.

What is NOT acceptable is to “flame” someone - things like insulting the author, threatening them, telling them you want them to die… (IKR?!?!?!) Readers get involved in a story and its characters, and it’s understandable for them to become upset when things don’t go the way they wanted them to. I assume this is even more prevalent in fanfiction readers, since there is already that pre-established affection for the characters. But isn’t it just common sense to use that strong emotion to shoot for something good? Ask questions and offer suggestions. Speak your mind, but respectfully. Some authors who read their reviews while their work is still in progress are not opposed to taking these thoughts into consideration when writing subsequent chapters. What do you hope to achieve by upsetting an author? (other than showing everyone you are just a cowardly, mean-spirited, useless troll…)

Most fanfics come with a summary that states the general premise of the story as well as what category it falls under (AU, OOC, HEA, etc. – more on that another time). Warnings and labels are all over the place. No one is forcing anyone to read anything (although my friends may say I push certain fics on them a lot). The point being, if the story is not something you like, DON’T READ IT! So, you invested endless hours in a story that hits a wall and starts to suck? You CAN flounce. And if you feel you can’t (I know a few dedicated readers who refuse not to finish something once they started ~ our “team hitters”, if you will), that is YOUR problem, not the author’s. Keep your nastiness to yourself.

It’s really sad that some stupid people feel the need to spew their hate online, but what makes me even sadder is that some authors take this stupidity to heart and flounce their own stories. They give up writing them completely. I understand that it takes several people praising you to forget one person giving you crap - but when you quit, THEY win. And as someone that goes out of my way to extol the virtues of a writer and their story when I really like it, it hurts my feelings when my comments don’t carry as much weight as someone who is being a jerk. I do not give lip-service. I don’t say nice things when I don’t mean it. If I compliment you, you can believe I think very highly of what you have done. I would like to think that matters more than someone who doesn’t know what to do with their words.

Like I said in my last post, writing fan fiction is hard. Writing GOOD fan fiction is a gift. The authors who share it with us are giving us just that – a gift. Treat is as such. 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Ficpeeves and Hard Limits

We, fanfiction readers, are a particular bunch. We all have our quirks and oddities, and this is apparent when you take into account what we will read and what we refuse. I’m not sure how it is in other fandoms (Apparently, there is NON-Twilight fanfiction out there? Huh. Who knew? Not interested, thanks.), but some of us are very rigid in our tastes.

Everyone has their “ficpeeves” – things that make you want to smash your e-reader and rip out your own hair. I recently asked friends to share theirs with me. The answers were diverse, as I expected. From fanfiction clichés to weak characterization to unrealistic plotlines, we are all bothered by something. For me, I take issues with sloppy grammar and punctuation, especially if the story has another person acting as the “beta” (the second pair of eyes whose sole purpose is to catch those mistakes). And I also get really annoyed by the author overusing one particular word. Just as an example, I’ll use the word ‘said’. There are so many synonyms for that word. Suggested, told, exclaimed, demanded, argued, wondered, mumbled, etc. If one word is used over and over and over, it stands out and takes the reader out of the story.

I remember a few months back, one night on twitter, where many people were participating in an airing of grievances, if you will, about ficpeeves. Most of the ones mentioned were the clichés we see used in story after story. And most of them had to do with phrases that come up time and again in “lemons” (sex scenes), such as tongues that battle for dominance over the other during a particularly racy kiss.

Most of these annoyances are read with a laugh or roll of the eyes, but sometimes, if extreme enough, they cause a reader to “flounce” (throw the story down in disgust before finishing, never to return).  

Ficpeeves are very different than hard limits (a phrase we know from E.L. James’ Fifty Shades Trilogy that has taken on its own meaning in regards to reading preferences). A fic hard limit is something that you just won’t read. Usually it’s subject matter that makes the reader too uncomfortable or strikes to close to home, but sometimes strictly preferences. Again, I polled some friends and the answers varied from huge age gaps between romantic couples or abusive parents to stories that are written by teenagers and inserting real life personas as characters.

A big thing for many Twi-fic readers is that they like “canon-pairings” and won’t read anything else. Edward has to be with Bella, Jasper with Alice, Emmett with Rosalie, Carlisle with Esme, etc. These are the pairings Stephenie Meyer wrote and what we fell in love with. But there are loads of stories out there which change it up. Jasper and Bella, or *cringe* Alice and Charlie. I am obviously a huge fan of canon couples. I CAN be flexible but I feel that, no matter who the other couples are, Edward and Bella always have to be together. This is why I read fanfiction. I love their love.

My own personal hard limit revolves around Edward (as does my whole world, according to hubby). I have a very strong attachment to this fictitious guy. One may even say I’m obsessed. And I’m very protective of him. He must not die! I cannot read stories where the author kills off my beloved Edward. Unfortunately, you don’t often know these things until the end and it’s too late.

(One thing that should be noted, when you read stories written by your friends, all bets are off. I leave my comfort zone time and again for friends. It’s a true testament to how much I love them.)

I tell you these things with humor. In all honesty, fanfiction is free and the authors are all bravely sharing a part of themselves with us. That should be kept in mind. There is a lot of hate out there and I don’t understand that. I’ve tried my hand at writing once or twice and it is not easy! Even the most horribly written stories have some merit. Try to find that next time you want to bash a fic.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

get to know Dee

last of the q&a's for now (unless i can coerce some volunteers)~ 

Name: Deena

Age: 40
Status: Married w/2 great kids (when they want to be)
Twitter: @mizzdee_FF
Do you blog? no
What other social media sites do you use? twitter, FB, Instagram and now Groupme
5 little-known facts about you: 
1. I had a full-ride scholarship to a big name University but turned it down to raise my daughter. Consequently, it took me 10 years to earn my degree
2. The walls in my house make me look like I'm still 15 years old. (Posters everywhere...mostly of Orlando, of course.)
3. My husband never propsed to me. After 2 years of dating and 2 more living together, I told him I was planning a wedding and if he didn't want to marry me, he had to stop me. That was 9 blissful years ago.
4. I am deathly allergic to bees and mosquitos and almost died when I was four when one of those little bastards stung me.
5. Growing up, I wanted to be a high school history teacher and teach in my old high school but scratched that dream when the teenagers today started to scare the crap out of me. Columbine just hit too close to home.

Questions stolen from Twi-Between:

When/how did your Twilight obsession begin? Taylynn actually told me about the first movie and when I saw the first tv spot, I told her the guy from Harry Potter was playing in the movie. She really liked him so I bought her tickets for Christmas. She made me go with her a week later and made sure I was watching the screen 10 minutes into the movie when Edward first appeared. After the movie, I bought the first book and four days later I was reading the final line of Breaking Dawn.

What is your favorite Twilight quote? New Moon - Edward - "Don't worry you're human. Your memory is no more than a sieve. Time heals all wounds for your kind." 

Bella - (narration) I could not do anything else. I had to keep moving. If I stopped looking for him, it was over. Love, life, meaning...over.
Unfotunately, he was wrong. Time only lessens the pain. Nothing heals it.

Who is your favorite non-holy twinity (minor) character? I've narrowed this down to Emmett, Charlie, Sam (and not because of Chaske), and Seth

Which is your favorite Twilight movie? New Moon (again, not because of Chaske)

What is your favorite song from any of the Twilight soundtracks? Hearing Damage, A Thousand Years, and Possibility

Ideal vacay? Forks, set stalking, Brit Pack concert, or a non-Twi premiere? It would have to be a non-Twi premier because (and B don't hit me) I don't even know who they consider the Brit Pack (karen's note: the brit pack (i agree with brina. stupid name.) generally refers bobby long, marcus foster, and sam bradley.)

What is your favorite Non-Twilight film of a Twilight star? Pitch Perfect and Remember Me

What is your favorite Twilight memory? BD1 premier is definitely at the top of the list.

1. Flying 1000 miles to meet the strangers who were my roommates 
2. The big hand molesting said roommates
3. Meeting B in the tent in front of me and the late night talks through the walls of our tents
4. Sitting with B during the movies and pissing off the people around us with our heckling
5. Seeing Rob and Kellan and PFach up close
6. Meeting Josh Horowitz (he was cool) and Mayim Bialik (the great Amy Farah Fowler)
7. And hitting Taylynn cuz she laughed at me for screaming at the screen when Carlisle and Seth died

new questions:

Who is your favorite Twilight actor? Rob, definitely. Chaske, of course, Gil Birmingham and Michael Sheen     

What has being a fan of Twilight opened up for you? For a long time, I stopped allowing myself to get close to people, but this opened up a whole new world with a group of friends I never would have met otherwise.

What is your craziest fangirl moment? Having lunch with Chaske. I was a fan of his ever since my dad forced me to watch Into the West (years before Twilight even came out) so it was huge for me. I literally couldn't breathe when I won the auction and I could barely function that morning and I couldn't sit still on the train into the city or in the cab to the restaurant. But the second I opened the door and saw him standing there, calm settled over me and I could finally breathe. We sat and talked about anything and everything we could think of for two hours. (did you know he's a closet fan of the Real Housewives shows??  okay it's really Emily that watches but he's a good boyfriend and watches it with her) Now, he actually knows me and we actually talk like real people which I never expected to happen but he's a great guy and super chill and I love him to death. (karen's note: what an awesome experience! jelly.)

Who is your favorite NON-Twilight vampire? Damon Salvatore. And Klaus cuz he's a bad ass

Fanfiction questions:

What are you reading right now? I was reading Glycerine by livie79 and All I Have to Give by LyricalKris, but they both just completed. So you should read them if you have a chance. They're really good.
I am slowly reading That Doesn't Happen in Real Life and To Love My Enemy (C/B)
And I'm waiting for updates on many, many others 

I know it's almost impossible, but ~ what are your top 5 favorite fics? I know you just want top 5 but I can't decide between canon or non-canon, so I'm gonna break it down a bit.

E/B fics (which I know you all love):
1. Bella's Summer Nights / Femme Docs & Kevlar Knights - A Cullen Wannabe (You don't have to read BSN first, but it helps)
2. There is a Light - belladonnacullen
3. The Widow's Walk - brodeurgirl30
4. The Cullen Legacy - pattyrose
5. Que Sera Sera - livie79

 Non-Canon (cuz they deserve love too):

 1. What's Lust Got To Do With It (Em/B) - my hubby is no edward
 2. Miror Quaenam Sis Tam Bella (P/B) - MeraNaamJoker
 3. Holding Sam (S/B) - MeraNaamJoker
 4. Original Sin (C/B) - BookwormBaby2580
 5. Never on My Mind (P/B) - lifelesslindsey
 6. There Once Was A King (C/B) - Brits23 (sadly unfinished)

Slash fics (in case anyone other than me reads them):

1. Marked (E/J) - Whitlock-Masen
2. Drenched (E/J) - MizzHyde
3. Shifting Gears (C/E) - TKegl
4. A Tale of Two Cities (E/Em) - TruceOver
5. Learning to Fly (C/E) - KellanCougar
6. Uncomfortable (E/J) - Savannah-Vee  (again...sadly unfinished)
(karen's note: that was the best answer EVER!)

Who is your favorite incarnation of Edward (specifically, from which story)? I like daddywards...any fic that shows him as a good, loving father and husband, or a single dad finding love. My favorite daddyward is in Endings & Beginnings by JadedLadies.

And any sportsward will do. I love Edward when he plays sports. My favs are Sideline Collision and First & Ten by Nolebucgrl.

What are your fanfic hard limits? I don't really have any. I'm open to so many different types of stories that if it has a good, plausible storyline, I'll read it.

What is your biggest ficpeeve? I really, really don't like pushover Bella's

I hate when a story completely changes direction just cuz the readers don't like where it's heading
I also hate when a story forces a happy ending when there really shouldn't be one.  Sometimes characters just need to be apart to be happy.
And I hate when a writer takes a virgin Bella or Edward and turns them into porn stars on their first time cuz that shit ain't real.
Who are your favorite authors? 
Why do you read fanfiction? I started reading fanfiction to feed my Twilight obsession. I did try to read fics from other fandoms, but nothing could keep me interested. Twilight is the only one I read cuz I simply love the characters. And I love to see how the creativity of the authors bring them to life in new and different ways. Also, like everyone else, the sex scenes are freaking awesome. 
What other fandoms do you count yourself a member of? I really can't say I'm a 'part' of any other fandom. I mean, I like TVD, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Mortal Instruments and I'm a total Star Wars nerd but I don't read their fanfic stories or care about their premiers or even keep up with what the actors are doing because not one of them has affected me or become such part of my life like Twilight has.


how dee and i met: miranda was in charge of the hotel room we were splitting for the bd2 premiere in LA. i didn't know anyone else who would be staying with us. i got dee's name from miranda and i think i tweeted her once of twice to say hi. we all finally met there and ended up having the time of our lives. who knew you could have so much fun with complete strangers?! 
for anyone interested, it was dee who finally convinced me to go beyond my fic comfort zone. she popped my non-canon cherry. and is responsible for breeching some other limits too...
dee and i at the forever party in forks

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

get to know (another) Jenn

10 q&a's! *woot woot*

Name: Jenn
Age: 38
Status: married
Twitter: @JR_Durham
Do you blog? nope
What other social media sites do you use? Facebook, LinkedIn, Goodreads, Twitter, Groupme, Instagram
5 little-known facts about you:
Learned to crawl with casts on both legs. 
Wrote the Easter play my grade school performed when I was in 6th grade and for 5 years after I left.
Had opportunity to move to Germany when I was in 7th grade
Wanted to be a geneticist when I was in high school
Had my motorcycle license, going to take safety class and test again 

Questions stolen from Twi-Between:
When/how did your Twilight obsession begin? A blog I follow started having a bunch of posts around the time casting for the 1st movie started.  I was intrigued, went out and bought all 3 books and blew threw them.

What is your favorite Twilight quote? "One of the best things about Charlie is he doesn't hover."

Who is your favorite non-holy twinity (minor) character? Charlie, hands down

Which is your favorite Twilight movie? New Moon

What is your favorite song from a Twilight soundtrack? Spotlight - Mute Math

Ideal vacay? Forks, set stalking, Brit Pack concert, or a non-Twi premiere? Forks!

What is your favorite non-Twilight film of a Twilight star? Adventureland (believe it or not)

What is your favorite Twilight memory? Any time I've met up with someone I deepened a friendship with or met because of Twilight.

new questions:
Who is your favorite Twilight actor? Rachelle Lafevre

What has being a fan of Twilight opened up for you? Friendships and helped me break through writers/creative block

What is your craziest fangirl moment? walking up and talking to Stephenie Meyer

Who is your favorite NON-Twilight vampire? Klaus

Fanfiction questions:
What are you reading right now?  Summer of Salt by Lola-pops

I know it's almost impossible, but ~ what are your top 5 favorite fics?
Sins of my Past - content1
The Golden Giants Tour - walkingwithgiants
Expectations and Other Moving Pieces - chrometurtle
Hallett Hall - jaxington
Words with Friends - nolebucgrl

Who is your favorite incarnation of Edward (specifically, from which story)? Edward in Clipped Wings and Inked Armor (karen's note: swoon!)

What are your fanfic hard limits? no incest, huge age gaps or when it’s a “daddyward” fic and Bella is his daughter’s friend.

What is your biggest ficpeeve? super uber whiny bellas

Who are your favorite authors? content1, soapymayhem, mizzdee, littlehummingbird, nolebucgrl, jaxington, boydblog, many!

Why do you read fanfiction? i read fanfic because i love the characters am not ready to say goodbye. fanfic keeps them alive and in a realm of endless possibilities.

What other fandoms do you count yourself a member of? Harry Potter and Star Wars (a little and nothing to the extent of twilight)

how jenn and i met: one half of the wonder twins (the other being tami) ~ she was one of "the fic girls" we met in forks and instantaneously adored. since we didn't get to spend enough time hanging out in forks, we are down to fix that in phoenix in june and heading to forks AGAIN next september.
jenn and i just before we parted ways with each other and forks

Monday, October 28, 2013

get to know Kristin

twi-friends q&a installment 9...

Name: Kristin Winker
Age: 31
Status: Married
Twitter: @NormalPplrCrazy
Do you blog? (I'm working on it. I don't have much to say)
What other social media sites do you do you use? GroupMe, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
5 little-known facts about you:
I don't eat anything purple. (I know I'm weird)
I have been in 32 states on a motorcycle. 
I was born in Florida.
My parents got a divorce when I was 2 and I've been with my mom since. 
The first book I have EVER read all the way through was Twilight. (I hated reading before that)

Questions stolen from Twi-Between:
When/how did your Twilight obsession begin? A friend asked me to go to the movies with her. She told me the movie was about Vampires. I watch it and fell in love. I didn't get the books until New Moon was out in the theater. I was pregnant with Blake and read the series 10 times while I was laid off for 3 months.

What is your favorite Twilight quote? "Well then I hope you enjoy disappointment."

Who is your favorite non-holy twinity (minor) character? Umm... Does Alice count? (karen's note: absolutely!)

Which is your favorite Twilight movie? Eclipse - I loved the book and movie. 

What is your favorite song from any of the Twilight soundtracks? Hearing Damage, Possibility (why I bought the CD), Full Moon, Eyes On Fire, Never Think, Flightless Bird, Let Me Sign, Friends, Rosyln, Monsters, Chop and Change, Let's Get Lost and What Part Of Forever. I think that's enough for now. I don't have BD Cd in here, so I didn't add them. 

Ideal vacay? Forks, set stalking, Brit Pack concert, or a non-Twi premiere? I have only done one but would love to do all of them. But my ideal vacation is Forks because I meet all of you and finally meet Kmah in person. 💙 (karen's note: awww! ily!!)

What is your favorite non-Twilight film of a Twilight star? Remember Me

What is your favorite Twilight memory? Watching Breaking Dawn part 1 in Forks gym listening to are group hollering at the movie. 

new questions:
Who is your favorite Twilight actor? Hands down Robert Pattinson 💋

What has being a fan of Twilight opened up for you? Reading, a passion for something,  Twitter, friends and all of you.

What is your craziest fangirl moment? Umm... I would say meeting Erik Odom. I'm don't get out much. 

Who is your favorite NON-Twilight? TVD Damon and TrueBlood Eric

Fanfiction questions:
What are you reading right now? I'm reading the Stark series. (Not a fanfiction)
But my wips I'm reading are Wisp, An Eternity to Love, and Chop and Change

I know it's almost impossible, but ~ what are your top 5 favorite fics?
Clipped Wings and Inked Armor
The Misapprehension of Bella Swan
An Eternity to Love
The Storm Series

Who is your favorite incarnation of Edward (specifically, from which story)? Hockeyward - The Misapprehension of Bella Swan

What are your fanfic hard limits? Haven't found one. Oh wait..  I lied. When a main character dies. 

What is your biggest ficpeeve? Only writing in one POV. I like knowing what the main people are thinking.

Who are your favorite authors?
Well fuck... 

Why do you read fanfiction? Porn and the stories

What other fandoms do you count yourself a member of? I don't participate in any other. I like a lot of stuff but it doesn't hold a candle to what Twilight does to me. 

how kristin and i met: when i was reading clipped wings & inked armor, i MAY have been freaking out on twitter a lot. thanks to my hashtags, kdubs found me and started following me. many a dirty conversation have been shared since then.
kristin and i when we FINALLY met in person in forks

Saturday, October 26, 2013

get to know Angie

here is the 8th installment of my q&a with twi-friends~

Name: Angie
Age: 33
Status: Married with 2 kids and 1 cat. Work as a computer nurse for a home health agency. 
Twitter: @ang062
Do you blog? No
What other social media sites do you use? twitter, tumblr, facebook, pinterest, instagram
5 little-known facts about you:
1. I had brain surgery when I was 20 where they removed a portion of the back part of my skull. They sealed it with pig hide and if you touch that area it's soft. I'm also missing my first 2 vertebrae.  
2. I'm a total motormouth in my car. In my head I'm Beyoncé. I'm a channel surfer too. I hate listening to things that I don't like. Drives my husband INSANE.
3. I kissed a girl.... in a Taxi.... with my husband sitting right next to me.   
4. I would be a photographer if I could make a living out of it. I currently take pictures just because I enjoy it.
5. I received a call from the sheriff's office many years ago asking me if I knew anything about an egging that happened on the west side of town. I lied and told him that I didn't.

Questions stolen from Twi-Between:
When/how did your Twilight obsession begin? I was wandering around Barnes and Noble looking for a new book and saw this huge set up with the books. I had seen the previews for the first movie so bought the book to read. It all kind of snowballed from there. I made my husband take me to the movie the next night. My heart clenches when Edward walks into the cafeteria every. single. time.

What is your favorite Twilight quote? "I can't live in a world where you don't exist, Bella" and "No measure of time with you will be enough, but lets start with forever."

Who is your favorite non-holy twinity (minor) character? Charlie

Which is your favorite Twilight movie? Twilight. It will always be Twilight. 

What is your favorite song from any of the Twilight soundtracks? So many.... Eyes On Fire, Never Think, Flightless Bird, Turning Page, A Thousand Years

Ideal vacay? Forks, set stalking, Brit Pack concert, or a non-Twi premiere? Well I've been to Forks a couple times. I think I would ROCK at set stalking. Would love Love LOVE to go to a Brit Pack concert. Looking forward to a Rob premiere in the near future.

What is your favorite non-Twilight film of a Twilight star? Pitch Perfect

What is your favorite Twilight memory? My favorite memory is sitting in the theater during BD2 and being so outraged at the battle scene but then bawling my eyes out during the tribute. I think I experienced every emotion that night! Also, traveling across country to spend time with strangers only to meet THE best ladies who just get it. 

new questions:
Who is your favorite Twilight actor? Rob and oh yeah.... ROB

What has being a fan of Twilight opened up for you? It's opened up me to YOU!! I have met SO many wonderful ladies! It was scary flying all the way across the country to meet up with strangers but it's seriously one of the best decisions I have ever made! I would also have to say that it's opened me up to the kinkier side of life. My daughter is totally a product of fanfiction. 
(karen's note: i LOVE that you're open for me, ang! bahahahahaha)

What is your craziest fangirl moment? Haven't been to any premieres but I did meet Stephenie Meyer!! Did that really happen?! (karen's note: it did and we have the pics to prove it!!) And I will NEVER forget Erik Odom!!  

Who is your favorite NON-Twilight vampire? Eric Northman. Especially when he's nude. 

Fanfiction questions:
What are you reading right now? Real life has been kicking my ass so I have been re-reading Help Wanted. Love that one and there's not too much angst!  

I know it's almost impossible, but ~ what are your top 5 favorite fics? I love too many! Some of the ones that I love are... Clipped Wings and Inked Armor, Secrets and Lies, Summer of Salt, Tropic of Virgo, Firefly in Summer. The list will just go on...

Who is your favorite incarnation of Edward (specifically, from which story)? Really love a cocky Edward like in the Naked Guy Upstairs or Scotch Gin and The New Girl. I like it when he knows exactly what he wants (Bella) and goes after it. 

What are your fanfic hard limits? It's really hard for me to read fics where Bella hooks up with anyone other than Edward. It's okay if they eventually end up together but it's just hard for me until they get to that point.   

What is your biggest ficpeeve? Unrealistic situations and overuse of the same word over and over and over and.... over

Who are your favorite authors? I can't name them all!

Why do you read fanfiction? I stumbled on fanfic while reading the blog Twitarded. I read The Submissive.... and kept that shit to myself! I finally gave in and outed my new found addiction to a friend at work. I keep reading for the smut. I love a good love story and it's even better with lots of good sex added in. Fuck that fade to black shit. 

What other fandoms do you count yourself a member of? None. I religiously watch True Blood (even though the last several seasons have sucked) and Game of Thrones but do not participate in any group anything like I do with Twilight. 

how angie and i met: she was one of "the fic girls" that we met at the forever in forks fanfiction forum discussion meeting thing. she was also at the forever party the next night and i fell in love with her even more then. i love every single thing that comes outta this girl's mouth. 
alas, angie and i have no pictures together ~ but here is one of her and brina
at the forever party in forks

Fanfiction: It's "Forever."

"It’s over."

I think people like to tell me this just to be mean.

Yes, most, if not all of the hype surrounding Twilight is dead. Still, after almost a year, I will not let it go. Maybe some people consider that pathetic (shut up, YOU'RE pathetic!), but I’m not ready yet. Unlike most Twilight fans who were following the saga from the beginning or fairly early on, I only came in at the very end. I have not spent all that much time with my obsession (although hubby may disagree. Strongly.)

I don't give a crap about latching on to "the next Twilight". I’m not looking. I was never even looking for it in the first place. In fact, "strongly resistant" fits. I am fairly confident that this was a once in a lifetime love affair. And I don't want it to be over. (Forever. Right?!) So where is someone like me supposed to turn?

Thank sweet baby jeebus for fanfiction!

Everybody has their reasons for reading fanfiction. I recently polled several friends. The answers varied but there were three main points that they all seemed to agree on. It gives us the characters we can’t let go of, over and over again in a plethora of incarnations. It provides an escape from reality and there is always something new and something for every taste. It has smut. *shrugs* Yes, it does. If you think Twi-Fic is for teenagers, think again.

I have my own personal reasons for reading Twi-Fic. Yes, it's my escape. It has the fantasy my life lacks. Yes, I get to keep reading new stories about Edward and Bella and never have to say goodbye. And yes… smut. But I also use it as a kind of therapy. I am a hardcore avoider. I don’t like to deal with problems in my own life.  There is such a variety of Twi-Fic out there that I can easily pick up something with an emotional tone that mirrors how I'm currently feeling and read along as the characters work through their own issues, rather than deal with mine. It's therapeutic. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

get to know Miranda

7th twi-friend q&a...

Name: Miranda 
Age: 35
Status: (un)happily married, 2 dogs, 2 cats
Twitter: @MirandaMajor
Do you blog? Nada
What other social media sites do you use? FB, insta, pinterest, tumblr, groupme
5 little-known facts about you: 
I hate crickets. With a passion.
I was a nerd in HS.
I tend to shy away from females unless I really get to know them.
I played the clarinet for 4 years while simultaneously playing the french horn for 8.
I have an unhealthy obsession w anything chocolate.

Questions stolen from Twi-Between:
When/how did your Twilight obsession begin? Funny story. I hadn't even really heard of the series. I was a chaperone on a trip to NYC with students from my friends class and on the bus ride they put Twilight into the dvd player. I fell in love instantly. As soon as we got back home I ran out and bought the book. Two days later I sent my husband to the store to pick up the other three. I've been obsessed ever since. 

What is your favorite Twilight quote? "But, if I had been able to take your place last night, it would not have made the top ten of the best nights of my life. Dream about that." Edward - Eclipse 

Who is your favorite non-holy twinity (minor) character? 
Do you have to ask? (karen's note: miranda may or may not have a slight infatuation with erik odom...)

Which is your favorite Twilight movie? Eclipse

What is your favorite song from any of the Twilight soundtracks? A Thousand Years

Ideal vacay? Forks, set stalking, Brit Pack concert, or a non-Twi premiere? Been there done all have the pics to prove. Except Bobby. Need to see him and love him and feel him and caress him

What is your favorite non-Twilight film of a Twilight star? Remember Me

What is your favorite Twilight memory? Meeting all you lovely h00rs

new questions:
Who is your favorite Twilight actor? Mr. Pattinson

What has being a fan of Twilight opened up for you? New friendships and crazy obsessions

What is your craziest fangirl moment? Yelling to Erik from the top of the bleachers holding a Team Erik sign
(karen's note: not this?)

Who is your favorite NON-Twilight vampire? Don't really have one

Fanfiction questions:
What are you reading right now? Saving Me by MadeleineJade

I know it's almost impossible, but ~ what are your top 5 favorite fics? 
Tides of Fate-sparklingtwilight
Summer Nights -jenny0719
Emancipation Proclamation
Never Again - patsylove
Private Tutor - 4theluvofmary

Who is your favorite incarnation of Edward (specifically, from which story)?  I like all edwards

What are your fanfic hard limits? Don't really have any. Will usually try anything out at least once. 

What is your biggest ficpeeve? Descriptions in lemons always being the same. "She tastes like the sweetest nectar" BLAH

Who are your favorite authors? Butterfly Betty

Why do you read fanfiction? Like to immerse myself in a world not made of my reality

What other fandoms do you count yourself a member of? Really not any. I watch other series but Twilight is the only one I immersed myself in.

how miranda and i met: whilst planning my trip to LA for the bd2 premiere, i decided to do what most people do to save money and still be able to store their luggage safely and shower, which is find a bunch of girls to spilt a hotel room. i got miranda's name from @twibetween and the two of us started chatting on twitter. the ocd part of me was superimpressed with her crazy hotel room prices breakdown chart. (anyone who knows me knows how much i love a good chart!) along with jodi, we formed a group to camp together and helped each other bare the waitlist stress. hard to believe that was a year ago already.
miranda and i attending erik odom's play "a bright new boisie"
in LA during twilight events downtime