Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Fanfic Rec Wednesday – The Practicum

Sorry I missed last week. I was on vacation with my girls who I only really get to see once or maybe twice a year. I was having too much fun and then grabbing whatever sleep I could in between to be able to get something ready. And since I was in the States, I had no data roaming or Wi-Fi on my phone. I'm still recovering from all the craziness and travel, but I do have a guest rec for you today.

This one comes from my good friend Angie (@ang062).

Title: The Practicum

Why is it good?:  This fic has been on my TBR list forever. I have loved pretty much everything that I have read from TheFicChick.  After a long work week, I just needed something light. This was EXACTLY what I was looking for.  Low angst, lots of laughs, and a blushing Edward.  This was a very quick read for me and had me smiling throughout.  The summary reads: "We're going to be teaching high schoolers how not to get each other knocked up or infected with gonorrhea. It's hardly a romantic evening for two."
I'm usually not one for high school fics but B & E are the teachers in this one. It takes that awkward health class that everyone was tortured with and gives you a completely different (hilarious) view. Plus it also contains one spectacular blow job!


I haven’t yet read The Practicum (I feel like I say that a lot…), but I do love TheFicChick. She wrote one of my very favourites, Departures. Also, I totally trust Angie’s opinion. She’s never lead me astray. It’s a shorter length fic – just shy of 98,000 words in 15 chapters so if you haven’t already read The Practicum, check it out.

Thanks so much for the rec, Ang!! 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Fanfic Rec Wednesday – Que Sera Sera

Today’s guest rec is from my good friend Dee (@mizzdee_FF). 

Title: Que Sera Sera

Why is it good?:  In the world of fanfiction, there is nothing better in my eyes than a great angst filled story. A story that is written so well that its drama and completely flawed characters rip your heart right out of your chest, tear it to pieces and then shove it back in whether its fixed or not. While we always wish for a happy ending to every story, sometimes the happiest ending can only be an end.

One of my absolute favorites of these stories is Que Sera Sera by the amazing Queen of Angst herself…Livie79.

It’s a story filled with heavy angst and flawed and evil characters that make you wish you were a part of the story just so you could exact some revenge for the one who couldn’t do it for herself.

But there is a bright light in the middle of all this sadness.

A simple yet beautiful love story between a very shy, scared, closed off Bella and a super sweet Edward. Together, they find a love and a possible future neither one believed they could have. And in each other, they each find a strength they never knew existed as they fight back against the evil threatening to destroy their world.

Though the subject matter is difficult, this story is so beautifully written that it rips you open and fills you with so many emotions that your heart is ready to burst. It’s an amazing story and will always be one of my favorites. Hopefully, it will become one of yours too.


Another one I have not yet read myself. I’m so glad that I have friends who can offer you something more to add to your TBR lists. It’s been added to mine.
Thank you for helping me out with the rec, Dee!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Fanfic Rec Wednesday – The Consequence of Miracles

C’mon, you probably knew this one was coming. If you follow me on Twitter, you will have seen me flailing all over The Consequence of Miracles by TravisBirkenstock. (Find it here on Technically, this is a WIP, but I feel okay recommending it because it’s completely written already and only has a few more chapters left to post.

I am FLOVING this story – and I’m not the only one.  EVERYONE seems to be reading TCoM. I was clued in through all the tweets of people losing their minds over it, saying things like they were pulling over on the side of the road or locking themselves in the office bathroom to read the new chapters as soon as they were posted. I wanted to see for myself what was so good about it. And, whoa… it is so, so good. This is the story we’ve been waiting for.

Be forewarned, it’s SAD! Like really, really, really sad. The subject matter is heavy but it’s handled with such sensitivity and caring. It is so beautifully written. You physically ache for this pair and for the entire cast of characters. Everyone is affected in some way or another. The circumstances and the characters’ thoughts, feelings and reactions to it leave you raw and bleeding.  It’s torturous agony but you keep going back for more because it’s so REAL, impactful and moving. It grabs you and holds on.

The silver lining is that even throughout the darkest parts, there is always this tiny ember of hope glowing. It’s in Bella’s perseverance and unwavering mentality. It’s in Edward’s commitment to rebuilding his life. As corny as this may sound, it’s in the love they have for each other. And really, isn’t that what we’re here for? One minute, you’re drowning in hurt – the next, choking on optimism. For me, it’s that crazy balance of pain and hope that give this story its weight and depth.

The characterization is amazing. I really love Travis’ versions of Edward and Bella. Both of them are intelligent, present, and self-aware, both enviably selfless and immensely strong – but I love that their true strength and redemption comes from accepting and embracing their selfish wants and needs.

The dialogue is probably the best I’ve ever read. It is spot-on, capturing how teenagers speak. It’s perfectly realistic but it also carries a certain wisdom and insight, little tidbits and life lessons embedded into the conversation and narrative. And it’s funny. Edward and Bella have a rhythm – a way of relating to each other – that is pure and sweet. The banter is masterfully written, which in my opinion, is a rarity. It lends itself very well to the pacing and plot of this story.

I understand that the high angst warning may put some people off picking it up, but I urge you to give it a chance. If you read fics like Wide Awake, Just Wait, and/or Emancipation Proclamation, etc., you will survive this one. The Consequence of Miracles is one of those stories that I like to call an “instant classic”. As soon as you pick it up, you KNOW it’s one of the greatest contributions to our fandom. 

Note: It's actually complete now. The last chapter just posted. But I haven't read it yet. *slow exhale* Wish me luck!