Sorry I missed last week. I was on vacation with my girls
who I only really get to see once or maybe twice a year. I was having too much
fun and then grabbing whatever sleep I could in between to be able to get
something ready. And since I was in the States, I had no data roaming or Wi-Fi
on my phone. I'm still recovering from all the craziness and travel, but I do
have a guest rec for you today.
This one comes from my good friend Angie (@ang062).
By: TheFicChick
Why is it good?: This
fic has been on my TBR list forever. I have loved pretty much everything that I
have read from TheFicChick. After a long
work week, I just needed something light. This was EXACTLY what I was looking
for. Low angst, lots of laughs, and a
blushing Edward. This was a very quick
read for me and had me smiling throughout.
The summary reads: "We're going to be teaching high schoolers how
not to get each other knocked up or infected with gonorrhea. It's hardly a
romantic evening for two."
I'm usually not one for high school fics but B & E are
the teachers in this one. It takes that awkward health class that everyone was
tortured with and gives you a completely different (hilarious) view. Plus it
also contains one spectacular blow job!
I haven’t yet read The Practicum (I feel like I say that a
lot…), but I do love TheFicChick. She wrote one of my very favourites,
Departures. Also, I totally trust Angie’s opinion. She’s never lead me astray. It’s
a shorter length fic – just shy of 98,000 words in 15 chapters so if you
haven’t already read The Practicum, check it out.
Thanks so much for the rec, Ang!!