Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Fanfic Rec Wednesday – The Blessing and the Curse

This week, I would like to recommend that you read The Blessing and the Curse by The Black Arrow (@The_Black_Arrow), if you have not already done so. Read it here on

It’s an older one ~ a classic, if you will. It had been towards the top of my TBR list for a long time but since I have so many on the go, I was trying not to pick up anything else until I finished one. Yeah, well… I got bored and wasn’t in the mood for anything so I just randomly decided on TB&TC, and OMG! I am so glad I did. I pretty much read it non-stop from the time I started until the very last page with a wee break to sleep (only to have it invade my dreams).

There are certain things I look for in a fic in order for me to classify it as “one of my favourites”. The writing quality should be a given. But more importantly, I have to be able to FEEL it. Oh… I felt this one.  
At first, you’re led to think, “Aw, poor Bella!” and “Edward is such an ass!” ~ but you KNOW what’s going to be revealed. Eventually. And it is. And it’s sooooo good.

There are two major selling points of TB&TC for me. First is the UST (unresolved sexual tension). Holy sweet mother of all the things… THIS is how to write UST. It’s a slow burn almost from the very beginning and it’s carried through the entire story. And not in a way that makes you roll your eyes. Very hot.

Secondly, (and I’ve said this before,) my favourite characteristic for an Edward is that obsessive possessiveness. This guy is the embodiment of that. Combine that with his self-restraint and denial… Wow. He oozes desperation. I don’t know what it is about that that sucks me in (I could probably spend a small fortune on a good shrink to figure it out), but I eat it up. What’s great about it though, is that it’s mutual. Otherwise, it would just be creepy or pathetic if it were one-sided. Or just horribly sad.

Both Edward and Bella spend years fighting against what they want, based on things left unsaid and harbouring multitudes of misunderstandings. When they finally give in completely, it’s sweet relief and palpable joy. I relish the sense of release that comes from having those conversations that let you say all the things you’ve held in for so long – being able to air out old grievances and heal festering wounds. *fist pump*

There’s also an interesting twist on the whole mind-reading thing from the original saga. TB&TC is a different kind of story but with all the elements that make it a great one. Read it for yourself and then let me know what you think.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Fanfic Rec Wednesday – Tides of Fate

Today’s rec comes to you via Miranda (@MirandaMajor).

Title: Tides of Fate

Why is it good?:  The character interactions in the story are what really made the fic for me. The main set of characters are involved, but as the story progresses, more of the non-mainstream characters are brought in.  It's the type of story where you really don't know what will happen next. From angst, to romance, to humorous interactions you get everything all rolled into one. It’s a typical Edward/Bella HEA fic with little twists and turns along the way. I found it to be a really easy-flowing read and I can admit I have read it more than once.


I’ve never read this one but I have seen the name come up here and there on various rec sites and mentioned on Twitter. According to the story summary and first author note, it’s a fun, light-hearted fic taking place mostly during a vacation to a tropical destination. (Correct me if I’m wrong.) 
I like that Miranda found the relationships between the characters enjoyable. At just over 365, 000 words and 40 chapters in length, you’ll be with these two and their friends for a little while.
I’m gonna add this one to my list. Thanks, M!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Fanfic Rec Wednesday – Awkwardly Yours

This week, I’m recommending Awkwardly Yours by Vancouver-Canuck-Girl (@VanCanuckGrl).  
It was completed this past November. It’s not too long at 22 chapters and just over 60,000 words.

I don’t read a lot of high school aged Edward and Bella fics anymore but I was willing to make an exception for this one. It was really sweet and probably one of the funniest stories I’ve ever read.  Ever. Edward has so many cringe-worthy and hilarious moments. Loved it.

At the same time as laughing until you lose bladder control, you also are compelled to love the characters. The comedy is tempered with poignant, depth-revealing moments that help you emotionally connect. As much as we all love our Edwards, it's hard to get them right. This one is more than just a one-dimensional caricature of the socially awkward, clueless teenager. He feels real. I would actually love to see another future-shot of this guy. (*hint, hint*, VCG!)  

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Fanfic Rec Wednesday – Help Wanted

Today's  rec comes to you via my friend Jodi (@joderss). She is another one of those lightning-fast speed readers so, although she started reading fic around the same time as me, she has read so much more.

Title: Help Wanted

Why is it good?:
Do you remember the first fic you ever read?  I will never forget.  It was not that long ago that I discovered the wonderful world of fan fiction.  Imagine my delight in finding that my favorite characters could live on and on in any conceivable situation?

My first journey into fic started with what I consider a fan fic classic, Help Wanted.

Help Wanted is an all-human fic with an Edward who is damaged and arrogant, but in the redeems himself.  A Bella who is a little bit silly but is strong enough to be with Edward.  A hilarious Jasper, one of my favorite characters of the story.  An Emmett, who isn’t perfect, but he’s family, and the rest of the crew coming and going as the story progresses.

This fic is a long one, coming in at 64 chapters not including outtakes.  I didn’t mind that because I enjoyed the time I spent with the characters and the story moved along with the proper amount of humor, drama, angst and lemons.  When I say lemons, I do mean lemons.  Jaxon22 knows how to write them and they were all over this fic.  In some fics the lemons take you out of the story, but I didn’t feel that way in this one.

I can say that I love that this was my first ever fan fiction.  It set the bar high for the stories to come and opened my eyes to what fan fictions could be.  I have read other fics by Jaxon22 and have enjoyed every one of them.  Don’t let the length of this deter you, spend some time with these characters, you won’t be sorry.


Thanks for the rec, Jodi! This is another one that I started but am not done with yet. So again, take her word for it and check out Help Wanted.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Fanfic Rec Wednesday – The Debt

This week, I’m recommending The Debt by Ta Paixao (@Ta_Paixao). Read it here on
It was completed this past December is what I would call a medium length fic at 47 chapters and roughly 153,000 words.

It had been awhile since something came along and played with my emotions. I was so ready for it. I am a sucker for inked up Edwards with emotional problems and this one is both to perfection. My heart bleeds for this one.

Another thing I really loved about this story was Ta’s Bella. I think as a fandom, we are so swoony over Edward that we tend to focus on him and let our Bellas remain underdeveloped or non-descript. It worked for Stephenie Meyer because we all wanted to put ourselves into Bella’s place. But at this point, it’s getting old. I want a Bella with a personality and to actually be worthy of all Edward’s perfection. This Bella has it. She isn’t “perfect” in the sense that most Bellas are. She has flaws and emotional problems of her own – but she’s also strong and doesn’t put up with Edward’s crap. She’s real. I admire that.